Microbial Fuel Cell Turns Waste Into Hydrogen

Will wastewater and bacteria power your car in the future?

They could if it runs on hydrogen, and the research efforts of Penn State environmental engineers working with a scientist from Ion Power, Inc. pan out.

The researchers have applied electricity to bacteria and quadrupled the amount of hydrogen a microbial fuel cell (MFC) can produce compared to straight fermentation.

They call the combination a BioElectrochemically-Assisted Microbial Reactor or BEAMR, and it would sound like science fiction if it wasn't working in the lab.

The bacteria used for the BEAMR was originally developed to clean wastewater and produce electricity. By keeping oxygen away from the MFC and introducing a small amount of electricity (.25 volts), the process bypasses the "fermentation barrier and converts and converts a "dead end" fermentation product, acetic acid, into carbon dioxide and hydrogen."

Bruce Logan, the Kappe professor of environmental engineering and a co-inventor of the new process, claims it "demonstrates for the first time, that there is real potential to capture hydrogen for fuel from renewable sources for clean transportation."

The BEAMR isn't restricted to "carbohydrate-based biomass" for hydrogen production.. In theory, the MFC can produce hydrogen from "human, agricultural or industrial wastewater" and leave the wastewater clean. And it uses just ten percent of the voltage needed for electrolysis.

Electrolysis, the traditional method of separating hydrogen from water using electricity, is often called a roadblock preventing a hydrogen economy truly friendly to the environment. It requires large amounts of electricity, most of which comes from sources such as oil and coal. If the BEAMR can produce comparable amounts of hydrogen with one tenth the electricity, it could be a boon for the emerging fuel.

But Logan doubts that the hydrogen generating microbial fuel cell he helped invent can single-handedly bring a global hydrogen economy into existence. He claims there's just not enough "waste biomass to sustain a global hydrogen economy."

The paper describing the process "Electrochemically Assisted Microbial Production of Hydrogen from Acetate" is available online, and will be published in a future edition of Environmental Science and Technology.

You can read the Penn State announcement "Microbial fuel cell: High yield hydrogen source and wastewater cleaner."

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