Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections
Global Peak Oil Gathering - 19, 20 and 21 October 2004

Dear Sir, Madam,

Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections ( is calling for a:

Global Peak Oil Gathering
19, 20 and 21 October in Hotel Mercure, Koblenz-Lahnstein, Germany.

As the discussion about the possible 'end of oil' is intensifying, the data and sources are being questioned.
Whilst the need for energy is rising, the supply of the future seems questionable.
And when the resources turn out to be plentiful, or we use them as such, we might have another problem in sight: the Climate.
And as this is not a local issue, talking about it only makes sense in a global context.

Seeing all this, we, from Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections, thought it was time for a Gathering, a Global Peak Oil Gathering.

We call for all those interested or involved in medium and long term oil, gas and energy matters to join us in this Gathering and Think Tank to come and participate.

In the three days of the Gathering you will get updated on future demand, global reserves and planned and expected supply.
You will be informed about the influences on the price of oil and on possible climatological side-effects in the future.
We will then spend a whole afternoon on what all this says and what this may say that needs to be done.
Also you will hear about the role of renewable energy and what demand reduction can do.
And of course all this will need gigantic investments, on which you will be informed and updated.

This Gathering and Think-Tank will bring you up to date about the current and future energy developments.

This Gathering and Think Tank will be a platform for new perceptions about our energy future, by inviting all participants to bring in their intelligence and know-how and share it with the collective intelligence present at the Gathering.

The Gathering will also enhance networking; we have a very fine extra program.

Warning: This may alter your thinking!

Join us on 19, 20 and 21 October in Hotel Mercure, Koblenz-Lahnstein, Germany.

We look forward to your response.

Alexander Wöstmann


Visit to register

Download the Programme (165 kb)


For questions please contact:

Alexander Wöstmann
T: +49 2684 957515