Renewable Energy in America: The Call for Phase II

Early Bird Registration Discount This Week Only

Register by Friday November 5th

ACORE and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, in conjunction with the Senate & House Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus are convening a two-day forum, December 6-7, 2004, to call the question for Phase II.

We invite you to register for the forum before the last Early Bird registration date, Friday November 5th . The forum, calling for Phase II of renewable energy in America, is a once-in-thirty-years event, recognizing that the federal government set out some 30 years ago to fund the development of new technology options with which our country might address its energy and environmental challenges. What Phase II signifies is that the renewable energy technology program has been successful. It is time to set new goals, and develop new policies to put the technologies into widespread use, to benefit all Americans.

The Forum's themes include:

- Renewable fuels and national security
- Renewable electricity and the environment
- Policy framework and issues for Phase II


Early Bird registration and forum hotel discounts are available until Friday November 5th at 5 pm EST.

We invite you to register and participate in forum.

Registration available at .