Green Makeover:

Retrofitting Sites in Urban Areas to Enrich City Environments

October 19-20, 2005 Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Researchers, policy-makers, practitioners, and interested individuals: come together to exchange information on state-of-the-art practices for retrofitting cities to create more environmentally, socially, and economically vibrant urban spaces. Hear nationally-recognized speakers, representing diverse disciplines, present on:

~ Improving air and water quality, ecological function, and storm water management;
~ Enhancing Habitat;
~ Improving Quality of Life; and
~ Overcoming Barriers that can impede Retrofit Projects.

Apply this information during a hands-on design charrette. Work with professional architects, landscape architects, and urban planners to design extreme green makeovers for three actual sites in Milwaukee. The charrette will help generate design plans for possible post-conference implementation and quantification of the benefits of green retrofit.

Top the conference off with an optional tour of urban retrofit sites around Milwaukee and see firsthand the charrette sites, examples of sustainable brownfield redevelopment, and flood mitigation projects.

See the registration website, below, for more information, including information on the design charrettes.

Who should attend?
* Landscape architects and architects
* Urban designers
* Local government officials/decision makers
* Storm water planners/engineers
* City engineers and planners
* Retrofit / storm water/ best management practice researchers
* Nonprofit or community organizations
* Anyone interested in learning more about how green retrofits can improve the ecological function and livability of your community

October 19-20, 2005. An optional (and highly recommended) tour will be offered on October 21st. The tour will cover Brownfields, green neighborhood retrofit, and storm water management projects in the Milwaukee area.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
School of Continuing Education Conference Center
161 West Wisconsin Ave., Suite 7000
Milwaukee, WI 53203

Register soon, only 170 attendees can be accommodated and the list is filling up fast. You may register for the conference at:
or call 312-996-6904. Limited scholarships are available.

$125 for the Conference and optional walking tour $50 additional for tour on Friday October 21

We look forward to seeing you there! If you would like more information about this conference, you can contact:

Karen Bandhauer, U.S. EPA,;
Jim Van der Kloot, U.S. EPA,; or
Dreux Watermolen, WDNR,

Planning Committee:
United States Environmental Protection Agency Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources University of Wisconsin ? Milwaukee Urban Open Space Foundation 1000 Friends of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin ? Stevens Point The City of Milwaukee The City of Chicago U.S. EPA's Office of Research and Development University of Illinois at Chicago Great Lakes Center for Environmental Training

Thanks also to:
University of Michigan
Air and Waste Management Association, Lake Michigan States Section Wisconsin Chapter, American Planning Association Illinois Chapter, American Planning Association Illinois Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District