New Solar, Wind Rebate Program Launched


April 7, 2005

"Just in time for spring and summer, Massachusetts is open for business with clean energy rebates that will jumpstart more solar and small wind projects than ever in the state's history."

- Mitchell Adams, MTC Executive Director

Westborough, Massachusetts [] Believe it or not, generous renewable energy rebates do exist in states besides California. The latest effort comes from Massachusetts where the state's technology collaborative (MTC) unveiled a new $5 million program from the state's Renewable Energy Trust to expand the production and use of solar photovoltaic, wind electric and micro-hydroelectric technologies in the Bay State.

The Trust will provide rebates to homeowners, businesses, municipalities, nonprofits and other organizations seeking to harness clean energy. The goal is to support 400-500 small-scale renewable energy installations across the state. Through its highly successful Solar-to-Market Initiative and similar programs, the Trust spurred the installation of 206 solar systems during the past two years, and has an additional 70 systems in the pipeline.

"Just in time for spring and summer, Massachusetts is open for business with clean energy rebates that will jumpstart more solar and small wind projects than ever in the state's history," said the MTC's Executive Director Mitchell Adams. "In the past two years alone, we exceeded the total number of solar systems installed in Massachusetts during the previous decade."

The rebates are designed to offset 25 to 50 percent of the cost of these clean energy systems. A well designed, on-site renewable energy system on an energy efficient home or building can meet 40 to 75 percent of the site's electricity needs, according to the MTC.

Competitive grants from the Trust drive down the cost of installing systems in Massachusetts. The Trust is working with the IBEW-Local 103 electricians union to expand the number of qualified electricians who install small-scale solar and wind systems. The Trust is also working with the Solar Energy Business Association of New England to promote the solar industry so it can compete effectively in the global marketplace.

Massachusetts is home to some of the fastest growing renewable energy companies, which are creating hundreds of new jobs and producing cutting-edge technologies to harness power from the wind, sun, water, biomass and fuel cells. Companies like RWE Schott Solar and Evergreen Solar are manufacturing and exporting solar panels. The Trust's new $5 million program includes extra incentives for products made in Massachusetts as a way to strengthen the growing cluster of clean energy companies in Massachusetts.

"Supporting hundreds of new clean energy projects will help create new jobs and economic opportunity for small, medium and large clean energy businesses that manufacture, install and service solar and wind technologies," said Renewable Energy Trust Director Rob Pratt. "These technologies offer ways for individuals to impact the way we generate electricity by tapping into clean, renewable sources of power."

The MTC is encouraging interested participants to work with experienced, professional designers and installers, which can be found through the links below.

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