Be an Action Hero
for the Environment!

Dear Friend of Wildlife,

Being an action hero means fighting a lot of important battles.

The fight to protect the Earth is one we can't afford to lose.

If you've seen me in On Deadly Ground or Fire Down Below you know I'm not a "Johnny-Come-Lately" to the environmental movement. I re-wrote those scripts hoping I could make the world a better place and bring people's awareness about the environment to a higher level.

If you'd like to make a difference too, I invite you to celebrate Earth Day with me on Friday, April 22nd. All you need to do is one small act* for the environment right in your hometown. It could be something as simple as turning off the lights when leaving a room...recycling old newspapers and magazines...planting a tree to clean the air...or putting up a bird house.

Whatever you choose to do to celebrate Earth Day...please add one more action item to your list...make a donation to National Wildlife Federation. My friends at NWF have been working hard to protect wildlife and wild places throughout America for nearly 70 years. But, as a non-profit organization, they can't continue their good work without caring citizens like you. So, please give generously!

Thanks for caring...and thanks for supporting National Wildlife Federation.

Steven Seagal


For more of Steven's message and a video presentation go to:

National Wildlife Federation