Terror fears draw veil over nuclear plants

Details of new power stations may be kept secret

Richard Norton-Taylor
Friday May 6, 2005
The Guardian

Information about nuclear power stations, including safety issues and potential hazards, will be concealed from the public under guidelines drawn up by the government because of terrorism fears.

The guidance will apply to the power stations expected to be commissioned whatever party wins the election.

Objectors would be prevented from seeing detailed plans of the nuclear plants at planning inquiries. Instead, the attorney general would select an "appointed representative" to argue the case on their behalf, for which the objectors would have to pay.

The guidelines, which have gone largely unnoticed, were drawn up this year by the Office for Civil Nuclear Security, an agency of the Department of Trade and Industry.

The public may have a legitimate interest in information about nuclear facilities and operations, they admit. But they also point to the dangers of nuclear material being stolen or sabotaged by terrorists.

The guidelines refer to the 2001 Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act, which makes it an offence to disclose information with the intention of prejudicing or being reckless with "nuclear security".

Information which should be kept secret includes details of potential hazards, where nuclear waste is stored, annual threat assessments, the results of security investigations, and the function of certain buildings. "Effectively the DTI is saying that a planning officer faced with a planning application for, let's say, a new nuclear waste store will not be able to seek adequate information about the application unless this is to be handled in secrecy," said George Regan, chairman of the steering committee of Nuclear Free Local Authorities.

"The provision of such information will be accompanied by the threat of prosecution if the information is disclosed," he told the Town and Country Planning Association.

Seventy categories of information listed in the guidelines, more than two-thirds of the total, are "not releaseable", according to the Environmental Data Services report, a respected independent bulletin. "Tomorrow's researchers will have to make do with 'general maps showing the position and limits of a nuclear facility but without details of what is contained therein,'" it said.

James Woolley, legal adviser to Nuclear Free Local Authorities, said there could be no faith in a system where the attorney general appoints vetted representatives for objectors.

The DTI said the moves were the result of setting up the Civil Nuclear Constabulary and Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and there was "no change in policy".

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