Entergy lowers the number of customers without power to 46,320

Birmingham, Alabama (Platts)--10Oct2005
Entergy Corp continued to restore power to customers over the weekend,
reducing the number without service from Hurricane Rita to 46,320, down from
766,000 at the peak of the storm. 
     The New Orleans-based utility still has 62 transmission lines and 11
substations out of service. After the storm, which hit Entergy's western
service territory Sept 24, the company had 343 transmission lines and 436
substations out of service. 
     Entergy still has five generating units damaged from the storm, three at
the Sabine power plant in Bridge City, Texas and two units at the Roy Nelson
power plant in Westlake, Louisiana. 
     The storm damaged 12 of the 14 generating units in Entergy's western
service territory.

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