US utilities installing enhanced grid monitoring equipment

Washington (Platts)--11Oct2005
Utilities and system operators in the Eastern Interconnection are
installing equipment on their transmission facilities designed to give them a
quicker and broader picture of grid operating conditions, speakers said
Tuesday at a Washington conference.
     Portions of the Eastern Interconnection Phasor project, developed by
utilities, equipment manufacturers, the US Dept of Energy and its
laboratorties, are installed and being used to provide real-time data so
transmission system operators can have a better picture of grid conditions in
a shorter period of time. The system relies on phasor measuring units, which
use a fiber-optic network to measure and relay voltage levels and other data.
     More than 35 instruments have been installed in the interconnection by
utilities Ameren, Entergy, the Tennessee Valley Authority and the New York
Independent System Operator, said Matt Donnelly of DOE's Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory. State estimators, which are computer applications that
monitor grid conditions for utilities and ISOs, at Entergy, TVA and NYISO are
starting to use the data, said Carl Imhoff of PNNL.
     The project is designed to improve visibility of grid conditions among
operators and "situational awareness," which was a factor that led to the Aug
14, 2003 blackout. With more equipment installed across the entire
interconnection, operators in one region will be able to see grid conditions
in other regions that could affect operations in their territory, said
     Consulting firm KEMA is working on a report that will be used to convince
utilities of the value of pursuing the project, and the report should be
available late next month, Imhoff said. Future applications could allow for
automated control of grid operations, leading to a "smart grid" that many in
the electric industry have been pursuing for years, Donnelly said.
                                        ---Tom Tiernan,

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