Million Solar Roofs Dies on Vine; On To Plan B

Vote Solar Friends-

Late Thursday night the California legislature ended the 2005 session, and SB 1, California’s Million Solar Roofs bill, died on the vine.

How a critically important bill that enjoyed bi-partisan and popular support couldn’t get passed—for the 2nd year in a row—is a long sad story, and doesn’t say much for us as a species.

However, not to despair. There is a Plan B. The California Public Utilities Commission does have the authority to implement the key provisions proposed by SB 1, and is in fact preparing to do just that. Though CPUC President Michael Peevey--a strong supporter of solar energy--is leading this effort, there will likely be opposition from the usual quarters, and it is by no means a done deal.

Over the next few months Vote Solar will be working to make sure the CPUCs efforts to implement the will of the people receives the necessary support. We will be looking to you for help. Stay tuned.


Adam Browning

David Hochschild

JP Ross