Sep 07 - BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union


Hanoi, 7 September: Another hydroelectric power station in Vietnam is to be equipped with Russian turbines.

The contract to deliver the equipment for the hydroelectric power station (?A Vyong), which is being built in the central Vietnamese province of Quang Nam, was signed in the city of Danang on Tuesday [6 September], the company Silovyye Mashiny (Power Machines) has told RIA.

Silovyye Mashiny is involved in the project in cooperation with the Japanese company Sumitomo which has been selected as a contractor. The cost of the signed contract exceeds 40m dollars.

[Passage omitted: a spokesman for Silovyye Mashiny praised cooperation with Japanese partners]

The construction of the power station began in August 2003 and should be completed in 2008. The gross output of the two hydropower units is 210 MW. The station is to generate 815m kWh of electric power per year.

According to the estimates of the customer, Electricity of Vietnam, it will cost over 240m dollars to implement the project. Loans granted by the Japanese government account for some 25 per cent of the financing.

Previously, Silovyye Mashiny as a subcontractor in cooperation with the [Japanese] companies Mitsubishi and Sumitomo obtained the right to deliver two 140-MW hydraulic turbines with auxiliary systems for the hydroelectric power station Buon Kuop.

Russia Signs Contract With Vietnam to Provide Electric Power Station Turbines