Official Space Weather Advisory issued by NOAA Space Environment Center Boulder, Colorado, USA

2005 September 07 at 11:31 a.m. MDT (2005 September 07 1731 UTC)


A very active sunspot group numbered by NOAA as Region 808, is currently rotating onto the visible side of the Sun. This sunspot cluster, formally numbered as Region 798 was responsible for significant solar activity during its previous transit on the visible solar disk, and continued to produce significant eruptions during its passage on the far side of the Sun. Current solar imagery indicates that this region is still very active, and will become visible from Earth today. Solar flares producing significant radio blackouts, and radiation storms are likely from this active region. Geomagnetic storms are possible later this week as this sunspot group rotates towards the center of the
visible solar disk.

Agencies impacted by space weather storms may experience disruptions over the next two weeks. These include spacecraft operations, electric power systems, HF communication, and navigation systems. Users of HF communications and low-frequency navigation systems will be particularly vulnerable during the next three days.

Data used to provide space weather services are contributed by NOAA, USAF, NASA, NSF, USGS, the International Space Environment Services and other observatories, universities, and institutions. More information is available at SEC's Web site