IPE Brent fell slightly in Early Tuesday trading, as the market took a little profit following the surge in prices prompted by Tropical Storm Rita Monday. At 0926 GMT, the October Brent futures contract was down $1 at $64.68/bbl.

"Our eyes and ears are locked on what Rita is doing and the market will react violently to any adjustments to the predictions of its path," one trader said.


The approach of Rita to the Gulf and fears of further oil market disruptions had completely diverted traders' attentions away from Vienna, where OPEC ministers are meeting to consider a proposal to offer 2-mil b/d of spare capacity to the market. "We're just not even looking at that at the moment," said one Brent broker.

Tropical storm Rita had almost reached Hurricane strength at 0300 GMT as it continued to move on a track to put it in the southern Gulf of Mexico by early Wednesday, according to the latest update from the US National Hurricane Center.


"Despite the huge movements, volumes of trades are not that great," one London broker said, "We have seen sellers become frightened on the swaps and now that is moving over to the futures market."

"I do not believe the that movements like yesterday are sustainable, but I cannot see the market come down hard. There is panic from those who are short and the usual sellers have lost the nerve to sell. Buying on the market dips would be a very good policy to take," one trader said.

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