Environmentalists urge Illinois governor to cut coal emissions

Jul 29, 2004 - Chicago Tribune
Author(s): Trine Tsouderos

Jul. 29--Standing in the shadow of a giant inflatable fish in Waukegan Wednesday, environmentalists and state lawmakers called on Gov. Rod Blagojevich to require the state's coal-burning power plants to sharply reduce toxic emissions, especially mercury, which they said causes birth defects and developmental problems in children.


"We believe we deserve the same level [as other states] of protection in Illinois," said Rebecca Stanfield, an environmental attorney with Illinois Public Interest Research Group, at a news conference.


The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is preparing a report summarizing the environmental and economic impact of imposing stricter emission standards on power plants, such as those in Joliet, Romeoville and Waukegan, than the federal government will require.


IEPA spokesman Dennis McMurray said the agency expects to submit its report to the General Assembly and the governor's office in August.


Ninety days after the report is submitted, the IEPA can propose new power plant emissions rules to the Illinois Pollution Control Board, which has a year to act on them, he said.


Local and state politicians, along with organizations such as the Sierra Club, Lake Michigan Federation and Illinois Public Interest Research Group, are urging Blagojevich to require the state's coal- burning plants to drastically cut toxic emissions, especially mercury.


"Thousands of residents live every day with their lives impacted by mercury," said state Rep. Elaine Nekritz (D-Northbrook), standing in front of handmade signs proclaiming "No More Mercury!" "Yet the feds have taken no action to clean up emissions."


New federal standards on mercury emissions are due out next year, but state environmentalists say they don't go far enough.


Blagojevich's spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff said the governor agrees.


"He was certainly concerned about the standards proposed at the federal level," Ottenhoff said, adding that Blagojevich is in favor of stricter rules for state power plants.


But an Illinois power plant industry spokesman said the new federal standards will cut mercury emissions significantly and a patchwork of state regulations would cripple the state power industry.


"We strongly oppose state standards being different from federal standards," said Doug McFarlan, spokesman for Midwest Generation.


Different state standards "will only disadvantage Illinois businesses and jobs," McFarlan said.


"Our industry is competitive, and that competition crosses state lines," he said. "By having consistent nationwide reductions, we can and will achieve ongoing emissions in a balanced manner that does not risk jobs or the supply of electricity in Illinois."


Research showing the calamitous effect of methylmercury on fetuses and young children has fueled efforts to cut mercury emissions from coal-burning power plants. The particularly toxic form can be created when smokestack exhaust falls into waterways.


"We have the opportunity to prevent unnecessary pollution and the unnecessary costs that come with it," said state Rep. Kathleen Ryg (D-Vernon Hills), the smokestacks of Waukegan's power plant visible in the background. "We are here today to ask Gov. Blagojevich to prevent the unnecessary pollution."



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