Letter From Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections

Dear Readers,

With this last Update of the year we want to conclude an exciting 2004. The energy-world has seen much turbulence and some fundamental changes. It seems now much more generally accepted that oil, and gas, are finite sources and whether we have seen 'The Peak' already or not seems of less relevance, as could be learned at the Global Peak Oil Gathering we organised in October. We have seen a very strong increase in the price of oil, mostly on perceived or assumed shortages in a small part of the world. We have seen a strong increase of the influence of 'third parties' in the determination of the oil-price and a shifting of balances in 'the market'. We also have seen a strong increase in climatic 'irregularities' and the expectation that this may further increase in the future. Whether these are part of the ongoing development of the planet or or are 'human caused' is still under discussion, but probably both are true.
So it seems true what a famous singer sang already a long time ago:" ... and the times..they are a-changing."

The year 2005 will bring many new challenges and probably even more changes, and the world will need to adapt to them, and so will the people and the market. But first there is for many of us a short period of rest, to celebrate the changing of season, Christmas and the beginning of the new year. Rest me to wish you all the best for the coming year, with good health, much success and especially peace and settlement.

We see each other again in mid-January 2005.

Best regards,
