CANADA Clean Energy Project Analysis Software

Monday, December 20, 2004

The Government of Canada's RETScreen International Clean Energy Project Analysis Software is a unique decision support tool developed with the contribution of numerous experts from government, industry, and academia. The software, provided free-of-charge, can be used world-wide to evaluate the energy production, life-cycle costs and greenhouse gas emission reductions for various types of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies.

The wind segment of the software can be used world-wide to easily evaluate the energy production, life-cycle costs and greenhouse gas emissions reduction for central-grid, isolated-grid and off-grid wind energy projects, ranging in size from large scale multi-turbine wind farms to small scale single-turbine wind-diesel hybrid systems.

In addition to the software, the tool includes product, cost and international weather databases; an online manual; a case study based college/university-level training course and electronic textbook; and an Internet-based Marketplace.

The RETScreen software now has more than 49,200 users in 202 countries and is growing at more than 200 new users every week.

To download the free software and other related tools please visit the RETScreen Website.

Source: Natural Resources Canada