California-based energy firm puts wind back in British official's sails


Evening Standard, London --Jul. 22

Jul. 22--Former Tory minister Colin Moynihan is back in the energy sector -- with added bite.

He is being supported by Sir Anthony Hopkins, the actor best known for his portrayal of serial killer Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs.

Lord Moynihan is heading up the overseas expansion of California-based Clipper Windpower.

He and Hopkins have a minority stake in the business.

Clipper has two windpower projects up and running in the US as well as the largest planned project in the industry, the 3000-megawatt "Rolling Thunder" site in South Dakota.

Moynihan and Hopkins jumped on board three months ago. It is Moynihan's first venture in the UK since he sold out of North Sea gas producer Consort Resources a year ago.

"Clipper wants to launch its international business in the UK and Europe and I'm going to head it up," said Moynihan.

"We will be looking at offshore UK but there are also considerable opportunities in central Europe."

Moynihan will be based in London, where he is already talking up the benefits of Clipper's turbines, claiming they are far quieter than rival technology and more effective in low to moderate winds.

This means Clipper's turbines can be sited away from hilltops and out of the way.

Hopkins said: "I am passionate believer in renewable energy and pleased to support Clipper."

Some 222 turbines are due to come on line, producing 347 megawatts of capacity, in the UK industry this year.


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