Drop Everything!
Exert Your Influence Now!

Federal Tax Credit Vote Today!

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) has just alerted us that the long-dormant FSC/ETI bill, whose Senate version contains --
historic opportunity for solar tax credits!
--will come up for a crucial vote TODAY, and your input could determine its success!

The bill has already passed the House and Senate, and now needs to be "conferenced" between the two. The Senate version contains all the energy tax credits originally in the Energy Bill. These include a 15% credit for residential solar water heating and photovoltaics, and an extension of the wind PTC to solar power plants (as well as extending this credit for a full three years, compared to the one year extension now in effect.)

Here's the kicker...
The version proposed for conference contains NONE of these credits. The Senate will have to offer them as an amendment to the bill, and they must do so
by 5 p.m. Today!

Only those Senators and Representatives named as conferees have a direct say - so if yours is listed below call them, but conferee or not,
a call to your Senator or Representative office is critical!

Even if they are not a conferee, ask your Congressmen to weigh in with the conferee they know best. It is vital that you make contact! Please help.

Here's the process SEIA has designed:

1. Find your Congressman: http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.shtml
or Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

2. Call their office, and ask for the "energy or environment staffer."

3. Introduce yourself and your interest in solar, and tell them that you would appreciate their support of the "energy tax provisions in the FSC/ETI bill." (pronounced phisk ee tee eye.) Go ahead and tell them of the significance the credit would have for you in particular -- jobs, business growth, business investment, and so on. If they're not a conferee (in the list below,) ask them to talk to the conferee they know best. (You don't need to tell them the list.)

Drop Everything!
Exert Your Influence Now!
Federal Tax Credit Vote Today!

House Conferees for this important bill:
Henry Waxman (CA), George Miller (CA), Bill Thomas (CA), Phil Crane (IL), Jim McCrery (LA), Chuck Rangel (NY), Sander Levin (MI), Bob Goodlatte (VA), John Boehner (OH), Charles Stenholm (TX), Sam Johnson (TX), Joe Barton (TX), Richard Burr (NC), Tom Delay (TX), Jim Sensenbrenner (WI), Lamar Smith (TX), John Conyers (MI)

Senate Conferees for this important bill:
Chuck Grassley (IA), Orrin Hatch (UT), Don Nickles (OK), Trent Lott (MS), Olympia Snow (ME), John Kyl (AZ), Craig Thomas (WY), Rick Santorum (PA), Gordon Smith (OR), JIm Bunning (KY), Mitch McConnell (KY), Judd Gregg (NH), Max Baucus (MT), John D. Rockefeller (WV), Tom Daschle (SD), John Breaux (LA), Kent Conrad (ND), Phil Graham (FL), Jim Jeffords (VT), Jeff Bingaman (NM), Blanche Lambert Lincoln (AK), Edward Kennedy (MA), Tom Harkin (IO)

Please contact Colin Murchie in SEIA's Washington office - cmurchie@seia.org or (202) 628 - 7745.

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