The Global Peak Oil Gathering

The Global Peak Oil Gathering brought many interesting facts and conclusions to the surface and triggered original intelligence and new perceptions.

One of the surprising outcomes was that the precise date of Peak Oil is actually quite irrelevant. The issue is much bigger than this. Next to the latest figures about possible and probable and actual reserves there was a very revealing talk about the very much connected climate issue, in which the attending award-winning professor from the University of Potsdam confronted the participants with some devastating facts about most probable and possible quite abrupt climate-changes.

With this and the other issues it became clear that the issue is much more a future-energy-for-the-human-race-in-a-sustainable-way issue. Which was very opening up. We are looking at fundamental changes of the fabric of our current culture and society if we and future generations want to live on a healthy planet. And much needs looking at to achieve this.

This was one of the conclusions of the Global Peak Oil Gathering 2004. More will appear on the site soon.

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