Revolutionizing the World of Recycling

October 27, 2004 — By Wednesday, October 27, 2004

A new site is revolutionizing the world of recycling, reuse and charitable donations. , the Internet's landfill alternative, offers an online market where individuals, charities/non-profits, and businesses can exchange excess goods and surplus inventory free of charge. Throwplace is breaking down the wall between donors and charities, business and the general public, making it easier for people to get in touch with reusers, recyclers and those in need. It’s easy, safe, convenient, and it’s taking people’s internet browsers by storm. Formerly focused on the United States, has just expanded, adding a new section especially for International Charities.

At, items can be "thrown" into any of the site's four sections: US Charity, International Charity, Business/Individual and Up-For-Grabs. Only charities and nonprofits registered with the site can take from the US and International Charity sections, where all sorts of useful items like appliances, furniture, clothing, computers, and office supplies can be found. Businesses and Individuals can take new and outdated equipment, furniture, parts, household goods and the like in this section. Up-For-Grabs offers miscellaneous items and gadgets—like bottlecaps, old magazines and bric-a-brac—that can be used for arts and crafts projects, as well as anything needing quick pick-up or disposal. Recent "throws" and "takes" include lighting and bathroom fixtures, craft paper, law books, appliances, computers, carpeting, monitors, peripherals, telephones, and even a piano, swing set, pizza oven and camping equipment!

"Throwplace verifies all site-registered US charities and nonprofits so that users posting items in the US Charity section are assured that they are dealing with bona fide 501(c)(3) organizations able to return a receipt for tax-deduction purposes," says Donna Lomangino, founder. Everyone can register and throw items into any section without charge, and any registered user can take from the Up-For-Grabs section without a fee.

For a nominal monthly fee, businesses and individuals can subscribe to “Business subscribers will get listed in the Business Directory and show potential customers they are environmentally responsible and community-minded," says Lomangino. In addition to this added exposure, businesses (as well as individual subscribers) are able to take from the Business/Individual section. Registered charities and nonprofits are listed free of charge in a user-friendly directory, allowing members to find more information about the various groups. For a daily rate, sellers, collectors, businesses and recyclers can post ads in a special “Classified” section.

"We encourage the use of as a responsible way to recycle and also to help those in need — a place where the public, nonprofit and business communities interact, raising awareness of our world-wide need to reuse and recycle consumables."

—- is a Web site where businesses and individuals can post and find items listed for donation to charities & nonprofits, businesses and individuals. Goals of are to encourage reuse rather than disposal; to raise awareness of responsible environmental practices by promoting the free exchange of goods; to help those in need; and to bring the business community and the general public together by creating a central repository of donated merchandise available for recycling, reuse, and refurbishing. development commenced in early 2000, and officially launched in late March 2004 as a nation-wide resource. It now has worldwide participation.

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For more information, contact:
Donna Lomangino
Throwplace Ltd.
202.338.4110 x100