ECan's Nuclear Power Debate Welcome


Sep 05 - Press, The; Christchurch, New Zealand

Environment Canterbury's decision to debate the merits of nuclear electricity generation is to be applauded.

There is little doubt that nuclear energy will be the energy source of the future -- compact, quiet and inexhaustible. Most other known methods have problems, except coal for the interim years.


If the greenies had been around when electricity was introduced to the home there would have been a similar outcry: "For heavens sake -- you only have to touch a wire and you're dead!" The same for city gas: "It explodes, for God's sake!"

I have every confidence in the scientists and engineers to master the remaining risks of radiation and waste, already well advanced.

I prefer to listen to the words of the late Justice Somers than ignorance and emotion.

The Government is hopeless -- they don't appear to know the difference between a nuclear- powered ship and a nuclear bomb. So no help there.

Bring on sensible intelligent debate.

G. H. DAVIDSON Fendalton


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