Calif PUC to begin designing competitive market

The California PUC's prospective core/noncore retail market structure is to be the focus of an all-day April 20 session to feature presentations, in panel format, from the range of market players.
     Other state agencies are to be there too.
     The plan is to let big customers choose suppliers while small customers are to be stuck with bundled service.
     Presenters include:
     • The Big Three utilities;
     • Marketers from Calpine, Constellation NewEnergy and the Western Power Trading Forum;
     • Electricity consumers such as the Office of Ratepayer Advocate, California Manufacturers & Technologies Assn and Silicon Valley
Manufacturers' Group, and
     • Stakeholder groups such as the Coalition of California Utility Employees, Natural Resources Defense Council and the Consumers Union.
     Attendees are to react to a core/non-core report (RT, 3/17) prepared by the PUC's staff -- available on the agency's web site -- and an
alternative to be circulated by PUC President Michael Peevey to be posted when ready.
     Ordinary folk may sign up to speak with comments likely to be limited to three minutes.
The session is to be audiocast on the PUC's web site,   (Story originally published in Restructuring Today 4/5/04)

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