Japanese Green Power Sheds Global Light

January 13, 2004 [SolarAccess.com] A new study purportedly proves that the vision of a clean, green, energy-rich future is not only possible, but also globally feasible. Using Japan as an example, the report conducted by Energy Rich Japan (EJR), and supported by and published by the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) claims that if Japan's power needs can be supplied completely with renewable energies, so can every other country. The report outlines six scenarios (variations of Scenario One, the basic scenario) of how this demand might be covered. All scenarios illustrate ways to provide 100 percent renewable energy for Japan with differing import shares. To improve the credibility of the study, Scenario One is simulated with a high spatial and time resolution The results are visualized through animation.

For Further Information:

Energy Rich Japan Report Summary (.pdf)

Energy Rich Japan


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