Lessons from the August 2003 Blackout

Reliability Problems

Blackout Solutions

The electricity blackout on August 14, 2003, highlighted the fragility of our electricity system and unleashed a torrent of proposals to upgrade it. Energy industry spokespeople have called for grid investments of $56 billion, $100 billion, and even as much as $450 billion in total electricity infrastructure investments. The White House and congressional leaders have also demanded higher rates of profit for transmission owners, federal eminent domain powers to site new transmission lines, and inclusion of electricity reliability measures in an overall energy bill loaded with tens of billion of dollars of additional incentives to the fossil fuel and nuclear industries, drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, repealing consumer protections…and much more.

The fact that the specific cause of the blackout—and more importantly, the failure of mechanisms designed to prevent the loss of one or two transmission lines from triggering cascading outages across many states and power systems—are still unknown should give elected officials pause before using the blackout to justify huge investments in new wires, plants and conventional fuel sources. At this point, process and communication failures appear to be major contributors to the size of the blackout and priorities to fix. And there is no evidence that a lack of power plant capacity played a role.

Meanwhile, the one fix nearly everyone agrees upon—enforceable national reliability standards to replace current voluntary guidelines—is being held hostage to passing a controversial comprehensive energy bill. Mandatory reliability standards—which UCS endorsed as a participant in a Department of Energy Task Force on reliability five years ago—should be enacted now.

We also need to implement cost-effective energy efficiency and demand management measures through federal and state standards and incentives. These programs reduce stress and congestion on the transmission and distribution system, avoid the need to build new power plants and lines, reduce pollution, and pay for themselves in energy savings.

Some investments in upgraded existing transmission lines, building new lines, and implementing "smart grid" technologies will be necessary, but we need to establish fair, accountable, comprehensive regional planning processes that weigh the economic and environmental merits of all options for increasing reliability. As Amory Lovins has pointed out for decades, simply stringing together more central plants and wires can lead to a more brittle and vulnerable power system, whereas adding decentralized technologies for managing electricity demand and generating on-site power can increase the reliability and resilience of the system.

Decentralized, or distributed, resource options include targeted efficiency improvements, incentives for customers to reduce demand, and clean on-site power generation technologies such as fuel cells, micro-turbines, combined heat and power, solar, and small wind and bioenergy plants. We need to remove utility and regulatory barriers to the interconnection of clean distributed generation, and provide federal and state incentives to overcome market barriers to its adoption.

Finally, while it would not have prevented this blackout, diversifying our energy supply can also increase the reliability of our electricity system. We are becoming increasingly dependent on natural gas to generate electricity, increasing our vulnerability to supply shortages and price spikes. That is why the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently wrote, in supporting new rules for integrating wind energy into the grid, "Encouraging the development of intermittent generation will increase diversity in the resource base, thereby improving system reliability as a whole."

Wind, solar and other renewable energy resources can also reduce pollution and create tremendous new economic development opportunities, while enhancing the reliability and security of our energy system. A renewable electricity standard requiring utilities to increase their use of renewable electricity from a mere 2 percent today to at least 10 percent by 2020 was one of the few positive provisions in the energy bill recently passed by the Senate.

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Reliability Problems

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Blackout Solutions

Mandatory reliability standards. Strong, mandatory reliability standards should be established. The current voluntary standards, developed by the North America Electric Reliability Council (NERC), are not enough. Congress should not hold the reliability standards provision—twice passed by both the House and Senate—hostage to passing an overall energy bill.

Energy efficiency. Increasing the efficiency of our homes and businesses is the fastest and cheapest way to ease pressure on the electricity system. This can be done by enacting tougher energy efficiency standards for appliances and buildings and increasing federal, state, and utility funding for energy efficiency.

Consideration of diverse reliability options. Enhancing reliability must rely on a diversified approach that considers all alternatives before investing in new or upgraded transmission lines. This includes prioritizing targeted efficiency improvements, providing incentives to customers to wisely manage their loads (demand response programs), and developing clean decentralized generation when they are economically and environmentally preferable. There should be explicit opportunities for these options to compete against conventional transmission options.

Demand response programs. Demand response programs, in which customers receive financial incentives to reduce or shift their electricity use or switch on backup generators when power supplies are low or lines are congested, can be much less expensive than adding plants or wires to respond to peak demands on the electrical system. Demand response programs can also reduce vulnerability to corporate market abuses during power shortages. Without eligibility restrictions or environmental constraints, however, such programs can lead to increased use of highly polluting backup diesel generators.

Distributed generation. Distributed, or decentralized, generation sources can increase reliability for customers, avoid the need for new power plants and power lines, avoid power losses during transmission and distribution, decrease congestion on the grid, and bring many other benefits.

Net metering. National interconnection standards and net metering (allowing surplus generation to turn the electric meter backward) are needed to remove barriers to the development of distributed technologies. Congress should increase research and development spending and adopt financial incentives for distributed energy systems to help overcome market barriers to their introduction. Regulators need to assess and remove other utility, market, and regulatory barriers to distributed generation, and to account for the benefits of distributed generation in system planning.

Micro-grids. Distributed generation can be linked in local micro-grids to enhance reliability at the community level. A micro-grid under development by Northern Power Systems in Waitsfield, Vermont (in the Mad River Valley ski area), will initially use propane-fueled engines and microturbines, a photovoltaic array, and a small wind turbine, along with storage devices. It will provide power to 12 homes and five commercial and industrial facilities. It will also examine and potentially incorporate fuel cells, Stirling engines, and flywheels into the system. Learn more about the micro grid.

Fuel diversity. Renewable energy sources also increase system reliability because they diversify our resource base and do not use fuels that are vulnerable to periodic shortages or other supply interruptions. While some people think of solar and wind power as unreliable because they are intermittent generators, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) recently recognized the reliability benefit of wind in adopting new rules to facilitate integrating wind energy into the grid: "Encouraging the development of intermittent generation will increase diversity in the resource base, thereby improving system reliability as a whole."

Renewable energy incentives and standards. The most important ways to increase the use of renewable energy are through extending federal production tax credits and expanding their eligibility to all renewable resources, and through enactment of federal and state renewable electricity standards, also known as renewable portfolio standards. In July 2003, the Senate passed a renewable electricity standard requiring major electricity companies to obtain 10 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2020.

Upgrading existing transmission. Many technologies exist to significantly increase the capacity and efficiency of our existing transmission system, and new technologies have even greater potential. Priority should be placed on upgrading the existing system before building any new lines.

New transmission. Some new transmission will be needed to increase reliability and for other purposes. Some transmission upgrades and new lines will be needed to support wind power development, particularly in rural areas of the country. For example, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission recently issued an order approving four new high voltage lines to support the development of 825 MW of wind power in southwestern Minnesota by 2006. Several consumer and environmental groups supported the development of these lines because they are being built primarily to support clean electricity from wind power.

RTOs. Regional transmission organizations (RTOs) can potentially have a positive, constructive role in enhancing reliability by facilitating regional planning, reliability assessment, and operational communication and by establishing market rules that treat renewable energy sources fairly. Effective RTOs should be open to all, governed independent of utility interests, work closely with multi-state agencies, and be accountable. Planning for system expansion or upgrades must be open, fair, and allow all options to compete. Rules should provide fair access to the transmission system and remove unfair scheduling penalties for variable-output resources such as wind power.

No across-the-board transmission incentives. Many analysts are not convinced that it is appropriate or legal for FERC to provide additional incentives to monopoly service providers, who already have an obligation to invest in transmission systems and receive a FERC tariff with a built-in profit margin. FERC's proposed across-the-board bonus approach will significantly increase costs to consumers, but may not produce system improvements in the most timely and cost-effective manner.

Analyze deregulation. Proponents of increased deregulation should provide thorough, open analysis of costs and benefits that accounts for the cost of upgrading the grid to achieve savings from purported increased efficiencies.