Study finds alternative energy top of mind

A survey of 607 homeowners in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Illinois found that 87 percent consider developing alternative energy products and processes to be very important to critical.

This study is the first of a planned series of alternative energy insight studies by Intellitrends Market Research and sponsored by GEORenew Systems, a Holly-based manufacturer and installer of alternative energy technologies.

When it concerns the development of alternative energy initiatives, the perception exists that the United States is behind. While only 19 percent believe that U.S. initiatives are on track or ahead and progressing, almost 60 percent say the U.S. is behind but working in the right direction.

The March 2007 survey also revealed that the most popular things homeowners do to try and conserve energy at home or work: 94 percent shut off lights when not in the room, 90 percent set back the thermostat, 72 percent only do full loads of laundry, 69 percent use fans for air circulation, 60 percent say they recycle or reuse and 26 percent say they take short showers.

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