The Free Energy Future That Motivates Me

Exotic energy technology opens up countless possibilities that could allow for a future beyond our imagination. Instead of a future based on scarcity and a shortage of resources, free energy could allow for human civilization to innovate away nearly every problem facing humanity. The following is the bright future that keeps me motivated to continue promoting alternative energy.


by Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

The future is what we make it. This holds true the vast majority of the time. It is valid on a personal level, and also for our civilization as a whole. Free energy technology, if developed and placed onto the marketplace, could allow our species to enjoy a bright and prosperous future era. If used appropriately as a tool for the advancement of humanity, it could mostly end the scarcity of resources. Instead of a future world running short on oil (energy), clean water, food, and other commodities, we could potentially have an over abundance. The wonders of such a future world are what keeps me motivated to continue promoting alternative energy.

Right now, the world is not a very pretty place. Every day, millions of human beings go to bed hungry, or suffer from easily treatable diseases. We are also polluting our planet, playing around with carbon dioxide levels without understanding the impact, killing each other in bitter conflicts, inducing economic crashes with insane financial practices (the printing of money out of thin air), and have done little to resolve the issue of global poverty. If a more advanced species from elsewhere in the universe is observing us at this time, we probably appear as a pretty very backwards species. The good thing is that free and exotic energy technologies offer the potential to improve the horrible situation that currently exists on this planet. 

In this article I'm going to describe how I see sources of abundant, clean, and safe energy changing our world. This is not an all inclusive list, because such a game-changing breakthrough will impact every aspect of our lives. However, these are the ramifications that seem the most important to me.

No More Peak Oil or Global Energy Crisis

Exotic energy technologies would allow humanity to stop using fossil fuels. This will not happen over night, because our civilization is addicted to these sources of energy. But over ten or twenty years, a major transformation could take place. Instead of energy being expensive and a precious commodity, it will become universal and cheap. 

Oil, natural gas, and coal prices could drop dramatically, as the use of these fuels rapidly plummets. Humanity could begin preserving these resources so they would only be used to produce feedstock for pharmaceuticals, plastics, lubricants, and fertilizer. 

Concepts such as peak oil would become non-issues. Instead of worrying about a future without enough energy, the world could start looking for how to use an abundance of energy to address important issues. This would be a paradigm shift compared to how civilization views energy resources today.

Importantly, draconian, economy-crushing policies such as carbon taxes could be thrown out the window. Right now, governments around the world are using environmental issues to try and get more control over everyone, and push globalism. Exotic energy technologies would stop them from implementing these plans.

Lower Home Energy Costs

As exotic technologies proliferate into the marketplace, the amount of money people pay to keep electricity turned on in their home, their home warm, and their car filled with fuel would decrease. Eventually, it would go down even further, until it could be eliminated as a significant expenditure. 

Allowing individuals access to dirt cheap energy would stop economically challenged senior citizens from having to choose between absolute necessities (such as food and prescription medications), and keeping their home warm during winter, or cool during the summer. Parents with large families who struggle each week to make ends meet would also get some relief, as they would no longer dread the electric bill coming in the mail each month. In addition, individuals in very poor areas of the world may be able to afford the luxury of electricity for the very first time. 

If the ordinary people of this planet would like to keep more of their hard earned money instead of spending it on high priced energy, they should encourage the adoption of exotic sources of energy. It would help the common man to have access to energy, without pushing him towards bankruptcy. 

Increased and Low Cost Food Production

There is no reason we cannot feed every single human being on this planet. This can be done without government-run bureaucracies or socialist regimes. All it will take is the proper incorporation of truly exotic or "free" alternative energy technologies into agriculture. Once these technologies are proliferated, humanity has no excuse for allowing hunger to exist.

Currently, energy is a big factor that pushes up the cost of food. Energy is needed to produce the fertilizer to improve the fertility of the soil, manufacture the pesticides that keep crop consuming insects away, pump the water to irrigate the fields, and power the equipment that harvests the crop. From there, energy is then required to process the crop, transport it to factories, and ship it to grocery stores. Then the retailer has to keep his lights turned on and refrigeration running. In every stage of production, energy is utilized. If energy became cheap and plentiful, the price of food would drop dramatically.

Of course the existence of such radical technologies (for example energy from cold fusion), could allow slightly less traditional methods of agriculture to become financially viable. For example, with cheap energy, green houses could be kept warm all year long, even in very frigid areas; with full-spectrum lighting to mimic multiple 'day-night' cycles per 24-hour period, and climate control -- something that could be accomplished in any location on the planet, close to the point of use. Even areas with hostile environments such as northern Canada, could become bread baskets for our planet! Indoor agriculture could become mainstream! 

Utilizing the potential of alternative energy, it should be possible to get the cost of food so low that hunger becomes non-existant, or at least very rare. 

Cheap Transportation

Today, for every mile you drive, you have to pay a non-trivial amount of money for fuel. The same goes for transportation via boat or airplane. This is about to change with the introduction of exotic energy technologies. In the not too distant future, the energy cost of transportation will drop dramatically, and keep dropping until it nears zero. 

What can we do with nearly free transportation? Lots of important things! To begin with, we can more effectively transport resources (such as food) to regions or the people that need it. With a cheap means of distribution, it should become possible to more effectively provide for the needs of people across the planet. Although the cost of food and many other items should already be reduced, charitable organizations would have one less hurdle to overcome. 

Additionally, with low cost transportation, parents will be able to more easily visit children that live far away, and vice versa. Large distances will become less challenging to overcome. People will have more options when it comes to employment, education, and where they can afford to vacation. 

In such a future, airline tickets could be cheap. Flying by plane may not be so darn expensive, and perhaps there will be a resurgence of people utilizing small, personal aircraft. It's even possible that along with amazing alternative energy technologies, radical propulsion technologies will also emerge. The flying cars of science fiction could become a reality. Perhaps one day husbands may ask their wives, "Honey, where do you want to go to have lunch? Does Paris or Hong Kong sound okay?"

You could live in a floating home high in some mountain range, or in a community deep under the sea. Of course sustainability and responsibility toward the environment would need to be honored principles.

Economic Prosperity

Today, the global economy is collapsing. It is collapsing due to years of irresponsible financial policies. Instead of backing money with hard assets such as silver or gold, nations printed money backed by nothing. Organizations like the Federal Reserve have printed money out of thin air, and have flooded the world with it -- trying to create prosperity out of something that holds no real value. Conversely, exotic energy technologies hold true worth and value. With energy that comes at a cost of almost zero, real wealth can be distributed around the world. Not just to big banks and the rich who get bailouts, but to the common, ordinary individual.

When alternative energy technologies have proliferated, everyone's energy costs will go down. This includes large corporations, small businesses, and individuals. The result will be that everyone has more money to spend, and put back into the economy (instead of lining the pockets of oil companies). The increased spending will lead to businesses obtaining more sales, and needing more employees. Hence, more jobs would be created.

The very existence of these exotic forms of energy will create jobs. There will be a need for factories to mass manufacture them, technicians to service them, and retail outlets to distribute them. Hundreds of thousands of employees will be needed to produce all sorts of products with these technologies incorporated into them. Almost every product that is produced today -- from personal electronics, to vehicles, to hot water heaters -- will be modified to utilize these revolutionary sources of energy. This means even more jobs being created.

In addition to the increased production of items utilizing these technologies, whole industries will become revitalized due to access to cheap energy. For example, water desalinization plants may start opening up around the world. Ditto for water-from-air technologies using condensation cycles.This is not happening at an extremely fast rate today, due to the energy costs involved. Filtering and other water treatment would likewise be much more affordable. Also, recycling materials (metals, plastics, glass, etc) consumes a significant amount of energy, which can make recycling some items energy negative, instead of saving energy. With unlimited cheap energy, perhaps landfills could be dug up and the materials they contain recycled -- with profit being made at the same time.

As mentioned previously, transportation will become very cheap with the introduction of these technologies. This could open up more trade and commerce between cities, states, and nations. Also, tourism could get a huge boost, as long distance travel could become more common, and less of a luxury. 

In countless ways, low cost energy will help bring our world out of economic collapse, and into a new age of prosperity. Anyone who opposes the adoption of these technologies is, in essence, supporting the current death spiral of the global economy.

Less War and More Cooperation

Our species loves to waste money, resources, and lives in wars between nations. It is flat out sickening, and unacceptable. Yes, there is a time and place for self-defense, but humanity must advance beyond this stage. One thing that would help reduce the amount of conflict on our planet would be the proliferation of alternative energy technologies. 

With energy being free and cheap, there would be fewer wars fought over oil and fossil fuels. Perhaps if the price of oil dropped to twenty dollars a barrel, nations such as the United States might stop starting wars in the Middle East. 

Another benefit of these technologies would hopefully be that with wealth and prosperity being more common, less people would be inclined to fight wars. Also, maybe more people would have the time and resources to protest such wars, instead of being focused on finding the money to pay for groceries, or paying their electric bill.

With exotic propulsion technologies entering into the picture, perhaps war may become impractical. If everyone had flying vehicles that could travel across the planet without the need for a refueling, the citizens of a nation that decides to participate in a war of aggression could simply leave. They could choose any destination on the planet, and take their dollars or euros and spend them elsewhere! If such a war faring nation wanted to retain the business and economic activity of its citizens, it would have to remove itself from such futile conflicts. 

Affordable and Fast Space Exploration

Humanity is currently sitting on a planet that could endure a tragic black swan event at any time. An asteroid strike, massive solar flare, giant volcanic eruption, or lethal plague could wipe out a significant portion of humanity. It is urgent that we spread humanity out across the solar system and beyond. Keeping all of our proverbial "eggs in one basket" is no longer an option.

Exotic energy and propulsion technologies could allow for faster, safer, and lower cost space travel. Instead of being limited to burning chemical fuels for propulsion, safe cold fusion power or perhaps even more exotic energies could be utilized. This would mean faster transit times to locations such as the moon or Mars, where we could set up colonies. 

Once reaching such destinations, exotic energy technologies could allow colonists to have habitats and vehicles that would not run out of power. Before long, native materials could be used to build additional areas of habitations, food production facilities, water recycling centers, oxygen processing buildings, and other structures. In almost no time at all, thriving cities could emerge with growing populations. 

Eventually, after mankind has taken a few baby steps into the solar system, interstellar space travel could take place. Perhaps without having to worry about drilling for fossil fuels, space explorers could figure out methods to travel at speeds faster than the speed of light. This could allow humanity to find more hospitable worlds to colonize. In fact, it is likely other intelligent species would be discovered -- perhaps much older and advanced than our own. 

As a fan of Star Trek and science fiction, I'm eager to see space exploration become common place. In addition to it being an exciting prospect, it is critical to insure the survival of our species.

Anti-Aging and Eternal Youth

Many people may not realize that humanity is on the verge of figuring out why we age, and how to reverse the process. There are drugs being developed -- as we speak -- that could potentially slow down or reverse aspects of the aging process. If these drugs are successfully developed and enter the market place, they could allow people to live longer and healthier lives. The problem is that with the current economic meltdown, many of these companies are suffering financially, and may not be able to continue their research. 

If exotic energy technologies emerge into the market place, the economy could get a huge boost which would impact these companies. With proper funding not only could the current round of drugs eventually be approved, but the next round of drugs (that could potentially end aging all together) could be developed.

There are arguments as to why anti-aging technology is a bad thing, because it could lead to various social problems. However, when these problems are looked at closely, they are actually almost non-existent. For example, one misconception is that anti-aging technology would increase health care costs, because people would simply be in nursing homes longer. That is totally incorrect, because the drugs that are being developed hold the potential to keep people active and healthy for longer periods of time. Another false idea is that a longer lifespan would mean more social security, pensions, and other benefits would have to be paid out -- potentially bankrupting nations. The truth is this will only take place if anti-aging technologies are NOT developed. If aging is made a thing of the past, people will have little reason to retire and draw benefits from governments, because they will still be healthy and capable of working. 

One goal of mine is to live until therapies that reverse the causes of aging (such as telomere shortening, accumulation of advanced glycation end products, mitochondrial DNA deletions, immune dysfunction, etc) hit the marketplace, and are made available. I don't know about you, but I don't want to end up in a nursing home suffering from Alzheimers at seventy or eighty years of age. I would rather be enjoying many more decades or centuries of life in a world where wonders such as free energy, reaction less propulsion, faster than light space travel, and perhaps even contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, have been achieved. 

Do you want to be able to run marathons with your great-great grandchildren? Then you need to support free energy technologies, because they will allow civilization to continue long enough for these technologies to emerge. If you don't believe me, go do an internet search on anti-aging and check out some of the research being performed. Look up telomerase inducers, stem cells, and antioxidants like SKQ1. Also, check out how there are now drugs being developed that could eradicate any virus, including HIV. Cancer treatments are also advancing at a rapid rate. There are now experimental drugs capable of wiping out cancers that were previously thought incurable. 

If we can keep civilization going another ten years, we could live in a world without aging or disease.

Does that sound good to you?

Other Health Ramifications

Along with being able to grow crops more easily would also come the ability to grow herbs and other natural remedies cheaper and closer to their point of use. Exotic growing environments could be more easily mimicked.

With cheaper and faster transportation, think of how much easier it would be to visit medical and alternative therapy specialists. You could recoup at home even while visiting a specialist on the other side of the world.

Attending seminars would not be limited by transportation costs.

The distribution of special remedies would not be hindered by transportation costs. And sending blood or tissue samples for testing by special laboratories would likewise be made much more affordable.

Imagine the effect on research and development and clinical trials.

If you have health issues related to climate, it would be much easier to just move, or maybe even induce modified climates in the dwelling where you live.

More Freedom

Life is meaningless without freedom. Without freedom to control your finances, keep what you earn, control what you put into your own body, choose where you travel, say what you want, determine how you defend yourself, and live your life how you see fit, even a thousand years of life would be a prison. Without liberty, death is preferable. The saying, "Give me liberty or give me death" is not a joke. Thankfully, exotic energy technologies will promote freedom, in many different ways. 

First of all, with these technologies people will have more freedom to live their life without being dependent on a power grid. Energy will become distributed, and individuals will be able to buy power generators for their home that will produce huge amounts of energy, for very small amounts of money. Without having to be hooked up to a grid, individuals will have more freedom to choose where they live, and what utilities to be hooked up to. Perhaps communities will start forming in very remote or inhospitable regions, because the residents simply do not want big government looking over their shoulder. 

With these exotic energy sources such a community could have its own electrical power at a very low cost. Also, with unlimited energy, such a community could have an indoor garden to produce its own food, with year round climate control, and twenty four hour a day lighting. Even if access to fresh water was an issue in such a hostile environment, water could be extracted from the humidity in the atmosphere at a low cost. A community like this one could survive and thrive without any interaction with the nanny state.

Yet another hope of mine is that free energy will force governments to listen to their citizens. Right now, the governments of the world try to keep the masses poor and destitute, because it is more difficult to control a middle class. Poor people don't have time to demand freedom, liberty, and small government. They are simply trying to survive from day to day or week to week! However, middle class people have enough disposable income to contribute to small government candidates, travel to attend protests that demand smaller government, and take peaceful actions to insure their rights are not violated. 

If transportation becomes super cheap, I could see protests for liberty related issues (such as abolishing the Federal Reserve or calling for an end to undeclared wars) becoming more frequent than ever. Also, I could see people migrating away from cities, states, or nations that are oppressive, to areas in which there is more freedom. For example, if a state passes an oppressive law banning personal ownership or firearms or free speech, the residents might just move elsewhere, and take their dollars with them! 

Ultimately, I would like to see a situation in which freedom, wealth, and power is taken away from the ultra-rich elite who strive towards a global, socialist nanny-state, and given back to the people of this planet. Currently, the "powers that be" are allowed to ruin the lives of millions, print billions of dollars out of thin air to give to themselves, cause massive human suffering, and break laws with impunity. They both do not have the right to behave in such a way, and have proven they don't know how to utilize their power appropriately, for the benefit of mankind. I think the best way to peacefully fight back against the powers that be, is to promote exotic energy technologies. 

Hope For a Better Tomorrow

The various exotic energy technologies being developed -- a few of which are actually entering the market place as we speak -- give me hope for a better future. They allow for the possibility of a world where there is less suffering, more prosperity, true freedom, less government, and peace between nations. In addition, they could lead to a world in which wonders are possible -- space travel, contact with other intelligent species, and even eternal youth! 

Without these technologies, I don't see the future as being a good place to live in. Currently, our civilization is in a death spiral. Our environment, economy, and freedoms are collapsing. If we want to reverse the road our civilization is on, we can do so. The tools are here in the form of cold fusion, magnet motors, solid state generators, methods of extracting energy from the space or aether around us, and exotic propulsion technologies. All we have to do is keep pushing for them to enter the marketplace and be utilized. That is what I'm doing by writing for PESN. I'm trying to do my part to make sure these technologies emerge and are used.

Let's work together for a future worth living for, and dreaming about. 

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