It's no secret that tyranny in America is on the rise.


Tyranny has been advancing for decades ever since the Federal Reserve got a toe-hold in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law.

But since 9/11, tyranny in America has been on a fast-track -- and the Constitution has become a virtual relic to be interpreted and re-interpreted in the most expedient manner for our rulers to take away our freedoms and seize more power for themselves.

In what ways has tyranny invaded America?

  1. Privacy - Red light cameras and tens of thousands of hidden surveillance cameras watch what we're doing at all times of the day and night. Unless you live in a rural area, there is no privacy anymore -- even if you're a law-abiding citizen. What's more, the government can wiretap your phone anytime they want -- without warning.

  2. Guilty Even If Proven Innocent - Local police and any of the federal government's alphabet agencies can conduct searches and seizures without a warrant. No proof of wrong-doing is required, just reasonable suspicion. You are assumed guilty -- and there is no recourse even if you are eventually proven innocent.

  3. No Freedom of Speech - Be careful what you say in America... it could get you beaten or arrested. Consider all the recent protests that have taken place where people have been beaten or arrested -- not for violence -- but for simply speaking out or refusing to leave when the police tell them to leave. Free speech and the right to protest peacefully were once guaranteed by the Constitution -- a guarantee that is now worthless.

  4. Excessive Force and Retaliation for Minor Infractions - Consider the case of the 6-year-old boy who was being disruptive by talking in his school classroom. Rather than being reprimanded or written up, he was hand-cuffed and detained for hours in a separate office. He was told he would be sent to jail and never see his parents again. This is just one example of the use of excessive force that is becoming increasingly common.

  5. Draconian Food Laws Eliminate Freedom of Choice - Did you know it's illegal to buy raw milk in the U.S.? In fact, an August 2011 report by Natural News reveals that the FDA is "waging a clandestine war on raw milk dairy farmers through a network of government spies." Restrictive food laws are on the rise. The FDA is trying to grab even more power. They're already targeting farmers markets and are seeking to regulate the fresh produce sold in hundreds of small towns around the country.

And the few examples listed here only scratch the surface. There is virtually no area of life that the federal government hasn't in some way infringed upon. Here's a perfect illustration of what I mean...

If you watch the news, then you know the U.S. media loves to bash China for curbing free speech on the Internet. I mean, the Chinese should have a right to read what they want, right? But little do they realize how similar the U.S. government is when it comes to violating the rights of its citizens!

Just this summer (June 2011), the FBI seized multiple servers at a Digital One data center, shutting down dozens of U.S.-based websites. The FBI did not have a warrant. The FBI did not notify the data center in advance or even ask for assistance. The FBI simply waltzed in... stole the servers... and walked out.

Apparently, the FBI was targeting a single website -- just one website! -- but used excessive force anyway, with complete disregard for the collateral damage they would cause by seizing entire racks of servers.

Again, this is just a small example. Stories like this come out every single month and are happening with increasing frequency. The question is, how do we stop the advance of tyranny in America? Can it even be done?

Thankfully, the answer is YES. Tyranny in America CAN be stopped -- but only if Christians follow the plan laid out in the Bible for defeating tyranny. It's for this reason I'd like to recommend to you the new DVD called Gods, Gold, and Guns by Joel McDurmon.

During this 48-minute video presentation, McDurmon (who has his Masters of Divinity and is the author of 5 books, including God versus Socialism: A Biblical Critique of the New Social Gospel), explains the foundations of Christian freedom and provides a biblical plan for defeating tyranny.

McDurmon pulls no punches. He uses multiple scriptures to explain exactly what the Bible says about how to secure freedom and how to stand up to tyranny.

It's a presentation that every Christian should hear. Because ultimately, we cannot defeat tyranny in America until we understand the foundations of Christian freedom... and then begin to avail ourselves of the things that secure that freedom.

To learn more about Joel McDurmon's DVD God, Gold, and Guns, click this link now:

Click here to learn more about "Gods, Gold, and Guns"

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