Solar Eruptions Hit Home

Sep 5th, 2011 | By Andrew | Category: 

The sun is entering a period of increased activity, and massive solar eruptions are beginning to wreak havoc on modern technology. A recent solar eruption disrupted radio communication in China, and there is concern that further eruptions could disrupt daily life on a wider scale.

Scientists have long predicted that solar storms could disrupt global communications and affect telephone and power networks. A powerful solar eruption known as the Carrington Event struck in 1859, causing fires and shorting out telegraph wires. Imagine how much more powerful this disruption would be with modern infrastructure; with communications and power shorted out, global chaos would ensue. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences estimates that the disruptions and destruction caused by such storms could exceed $2 trillion and require years to rebuild all affected infrastructure and systems.

According to NASA, the Carrington Event was a solar storm of such magnitude that the skies were filled with red auroras, compass needles pointed in the wrong direction, and electric current passed through the Earth’s topsoil. The storm was caused by a coronal mass ejection that hit the Earth’s magnetic field with such intensity that it created vibrations and sent currents through both the ground and atmosphere. Luckily, solar storms of this magnitude are rare events.

Solar Storms Explained

The sun has an activity cycle that spans eleven years. Solar eruptions vary in strength depending on the point in the sun’s cycle, and its activity has been steadily increasing. Experts believe the cycle’s peak may occur in 2013 or 2014, with stronger storms and more potent effects expected during that time.

The sun produces two types of solar storms: solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Both types of storms are caused by disruptions of the sun’s magnetic field. Solar flares and CMEs are both capable of causing massive problems for the high-tech systems that our modern civilization depends on.

Solar flares send bursts of radiation in the form of waves of photons into space. They are categorized with three different strength levels: Class C, Class M, and Class X. If these erupt toward Earth, they can have a powerful effect on communications, as seen by the event in China. The eruption that affected Chinese radio waves was a Class X, one of the most powerful solar flares possible.

As the sun is nearby in stellar terms, particles from solar flares can reach the Earth in a matter of minutes. The photons travel so rapidly through space that little warning is possible if this type of eruption is detected. Flares can also cause technical difficulties for satellite systems, which can disrupt global services such as communications and GPS along with high-frequency radio waves.

Coronal mass ejections are fiercer storms. The ejections send giant clouds of plasma billowing into space along the path of the eruption, and this can cause more severe consequences for us on Earth. The particles take longer to travel from the sun to the Earth, but they react more forcefully with our planet than solar flares do.

The Carrington Event is a prime example of a CME. The storm was so powerful that it caused the Earth’s magnetic field to shake, sending geo-magnetically induced currents through the soil and atmosphere. Stronger current such as these have the potential to overload circuits and short out transformers.

A more recent example of this type of storm hit Canada’s province of Quebec on March 13, 1989. The storm was not as severe as the Carrington Event was, but it disrupted the province’s power grid for more than nine hours. The storm also damaged transformers in three countries and caused numerous power anomalies across the United States. A series of milder CMEs that hit in October 2003 caused a blackout in Sweden and damaged transformers in another country.

As this type of eruption can directly affect the earth’s magnetic field, CMEs have the potential to disrupt planetary communications and power grids. While issues such as disrupted communications are difficult to prepare for, it is possible to stock up and be ready for widespread power outages and other damage.

Purchasing a generator or having a power source not connected to the grid will be essential to limit the amount of time your family must go without electricity. Having electricity-free backups, such as a fireplace or wood stove for heat, a camp stove for cooking, and candles and kerosene lanterns for light, will help you ride out long-term power and communications interruptions.

Solar storms are a serious and continuing problem for everyone, in every country on Earth. Staying informed about the solar cycle and expected storms will allow you to prepare and stock up on necessary items before storms hit, thus minimizing their effects on your household.


The solar storms will not wait until 2013! This is why:

Several things need to be looked at in order to show evidence that the earth is, in fact, changing its polar axis with respect to the sun: 1. Last winter Alaskans, including the Intuits, reported that the sun “came back early” this year. 2. This summer someone reported from the South Pole science station that they were having 5 hours of daylight when it should still be completely dark. 3. Now this report from Scotland that the sun is tracking across the sky in an abnormal path. 4. Here, on the ATS web-site is a report from Greenland about sun anomalies and the rapidly melting glaciers. What can be the common denominator that will explain these events if not the fact that our world’s polar axis is changing with respect to the sun. Normally the polar axis is inclined by 23.4 degrees from the polar axis of the sun. That must be changing to explain the anomolies listed here from 1 thru 4.
So, what celestial force could be large enough to move the earth’s orientation in this manner? These two links will give you a good idea of what is happening and why:
The planet Saturn has already been massively influenced by these two astronomical objects Elenin and Nibiru. Saturn is a gas giant with a huge magnetosphere that has been torqued out of its normal polar axis alignment with respect to the sun. Our world, the Earth, is much smaller and very dense compared to Saturn and is reacting more slowly to the influence of Elenin and Nibiru, but it is reacting.
So why don’t we hear something from our respective governments? The coming problems are too large for governments to solve. A few decade ago the decision was made to keep all of this a secret. Governments have known this was going to happen at least since 1983 when the first Infrared Telescope (IRAS) was launched into orbit by the United States. Since then most 1st world governments have been busy building underground facilities in order to survive and reestablish control after the worst is over. Russia is probably close to finishing its 25 square mile underground facility that is planned to house 600,000 people. Recently, the USA FAA declared about 40 new no-fly zones in the United States. They are manning and stocking their many underground facilities and don’t want any witnesses. In the U.S., Homeland Security has announced a crash buying spree of 1 Billion dollars worth of survival food and supplies. Manufacturers are given no choice but to sell only to the government according to government rules. A few years ago the British and Spanish royal families established compounds in the New Zealand highlands. Bill Gates also has a compound in that area. If you want to prove this is true for yourself then locate the North Star, if you can, early in the evening and establish a line-of-sight. The peak of a roof from the proper location on the ground will do. Get up before daylight the next morning and check your alignment again. If the North Star has not moved, the polar axis will not have moved at all. If there is a change in the location of the North Star from the evening before, that is proof the axial tilt of our world is in the process of changing. This is simple common sense physics. Why haven’t prominent and independent scientists raised this issue? Besides the fact that most scientists are basically “mechanics” at what they do, they are greatly influenced by a herd mentality and are very afraid of criticism from their peers. Also most scientists are not theoreticians who take seemingly unrelated facts and put them together where the whole picture makes sense. Also most news agencies are controlled by the government. I am not a scientist but I have a good grasp on fundamental physics and what I have described here has been proved by the actions of our governments by their massive preparations for the coming events. If you don’t believe any of this, believe me when I tell you that the governments of the world believe every bit of it and are making the appropriate preparations. Why are they doing this? They don’t want your competition for the available survival foods and supplies. They can’t save the majority of their people but they can save themselves.
So what’s the worse-case scenario? As more and more of the North and South Poles are exposed to the sun, massive melting of the polar ice-caps will occur. The very old theoretically question of “What would happen if all the ice melted in the polar regions?” now becomes not so theoretical. The answer then and now is; “The ocean levels will rise about 200 feet around the world”. Maybe you can understand why governments want to keep this a secret to avoid a panic while they’re stocking up on food and supplies?
So, what other evidence is there that this is going to happen? The presence of Elenin passing between our world and the sun around 17 October of this year will kick off several massive earthquakes. When that happens, seriously consider that all of this that I have described is also true.
“Solar flares will also be in plentiful supply before and after Elenin passes”.


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