The Blame Game is a Lame Game

Friday, 02 Sep 2011 06:58 AM

By Bill Spetrino

If you drive your car into a ditch, your goal should be getting it out, right?

For the past few years, I have heard various organizations and people blamed for the financial and economic crisis that has affected the United States

With all due respect, shouldn't our goal be to get the car out of the ditch?

Will passing excessive regulations limiting how many people that can help push the car really help get the stranded auto out of the ditch?

Is telling the people who want to help to pay more money for health insurance going to get the car out?

Is suing bankers who are willing to help going to get the car out?

To my thinking, to get the car out of the ditch we first have to have a simple plan

The first step is to get rid of those people who are unable or unwilling to help get the car out of the ditch. Let’s keep them out of the way of those who have the strength and experience to help.

Demonizing and blaming the strongest folks most able to get the car out of the ditch is an ineffective plan, especially if those folks already own four cars that aren’t in ditches.

Imagine the strongest people in the U.S. volunteering to help and a group on the side of the road with feeble muscles calling the helpers steroid freaks and muscle heads.

Is it possible the strongest may not be so quick to help?

Of course, spending money doesn’t necessarily get your car out of a ditch.

You can give 20,000 people who volunteer to help $200 if they help you.

Of course, if they take the money and say they aren’t helping — or worse yet, stay and believe they are actually helping and instead discourage the strongest people from lifting your car — then you have spent your money foolishly.

And you would be $4 million in debt and your car would still be in a ditch.

So we need to spend money but instead spend it intelligently.

The local tow truck company, which has been in business for 85 years, may not work "cheap" but has a proven record of getting cars out of ditches.

If they couldn't do the job, they wouldn’t have been in business for 85 years, they would never have any clients otherwise once word got out they didn’t do their job.

The best way to get your car out of a ditch, in my opinion, is to find someone with a tow truck and a desire to use it.

Ask the person nicely to help you out and ask them what is a fair price to get you out?

And if they say $50,000, tell all the people shouting at them that they are dishonest to please keep their mouths shut.

Because if you don't, the car isn't getting out of the ditch and the tow truck driver will go where they are appreciated the most.

About the Author: Bill Spetrino
Bill Spetrino is a member of the Moneynews Financial Brain Trust. Click Here to read more of his articles. He is also the editor of the Dividend Machine. Discover more by Clicking Here Now.

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