Tucked within the pages of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


If you've been reading the news the past few days, you can't help but wonder if Obamacare is burning up in the atmosphere as it comes crashing back down to earth, a little like NASA's satellite. This is really not surprising considering this 2700+ page behemoth was so convoluted that Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass it to understand it. As any good book editor knows, if a writer can't explain their manuscript in one or two succinct sentences, then it hasn't been properly vetted for publication and the author needs to go back to the drawing board.

Tucked within the pages of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was just the latest element of unsustainability that was dubbed by Democrat Senator Kent Conrad (ND) as a "Ponzi scheme of the first order, the kind of thing that Bernie Madoff would have been proud of"--namely, the CLASS Act.

Last week, Bob Yee (the person charged with making this new government-run, long term care insurance entitlement viable), sent out an email telling everyone his office was closing. The CLASS Act was finished.

The CLASS Act joins those other elements of Obamacare that have been thrown into the trash heap, elements such as "If you like your coverage you can keep it," "Your insurance rates will go down," and "This will create 400,000 new jobs."

A study commissioned by the state of Ohio found that a large percentage of about 790,000 Ohioans will lose their insurance coverage under Obamacare because their employers will dump them over an increase in premiums. The unreasonable time frame for creating the health care exchanges in each state is causing consternation at all levels of state government at a time when each state is grappling with severely strained resources in this time of economic recession.

And with the unemployment rate realistically around 15 or 16 percent, I don't even have to get into the laughable balderdash of the new jobs the bill created.

And then there's the privacy issues associated with this thing. The government is about to have access to ALL your medical records. Of course, the fact they have government employees who routinely walk around with sensitive private information stored on laptops doesn't help to mitigate the fear that the government is really too blasé with your personal information. They can't even contain and guard sensitive National Institute of Health clinical trials information--how are they going to safeguard your privacy?

And then there's just the sheer idiocy of an inflated coding system that will actually tell your insurance exchange that your office visit was because you walked into a lamppost for the first time (W22.02XA). You can of course tell them that you're a klutz of the nth degree because you've walked into that lamppost more than once (W22.02XD). You actually have separate codes for injuries that were sustained as the result of being bitten by a turtle or struck by a turtle. (This takes the idea of teenage mutant ninja turtles to a whole different level.)

And in the mix of this sits the poor citizen who doesn't really feel like divulging so much information to yet another government agency, or who can't afford the gas for his car to get to the doctor's office because he's paying higher premiums, or even because he can't afford gas at all because he's one of thousands across this country who are unemployed because employers couldn't afford to keep them on the payroll because of the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act!

So what are we peons supposed to do?
The simple fact is that we're going to have to adjust our lifestyles to take advantage of healthier foods, natural supplements, herbal remedies, and learn not to run to the doctor every time we get a cold. Through proper nutrition and exercise, we can bolster our immune systems and help our body fight off the effects of disease and illnesses.

No, we can't cure cancer by simple nutrition, and that's not what I'm suggesting at all. But many illnesses and conditions can be improved by following some simple guidelines and investing in those foods that actually contribute to our overall heath.

If you had to choose just one...

I would have to say that chia would be my overall choice for the number one source of food that is not only nourishing for the body, but promotes healing as well.

Don't believe me? Well, consider these facts:

  • Chia has 8 times more omega 3s than salmon
  • Contains 30% more antioxidants than blueberries
  • Has 25% more fiber than flax seeds
  • Provides 3 times more iron than spinach
  • Boosts your body with 15 times more magnesium than broccoli
  • Delivers 5 times more calcium than milk
  • And offers twice the potassium contained in one banana

Chia not only energizes your mind and body (the Aztecs used it as a high-energy endurance food), but with its treasure trove of antioxidants, minerals, and omega 3s, it puts your body in the position to fight off illness by reducing the cravings for junk foods and sweets, by supporting healthy blood sugar levels, by promoting weight loss and weight maintenance, and by supplying your digestive system with adequate fiber to keep it healthy. And unlike most other plant foods, chia contains all the essential amino acids to make up a complete protein, delivering four grams of protein in a two tablespoon serving. And through its unique ability to absorb fluids, chia helps you maintain a properly hydrated body.

You're limited only by your imagination...
So what can you do with chia seeds? Anything you want to! Because the seed has little to no taste of its own, you can include it into any dish, drink, salad or even eat it as a whole seed. You can grind them into powder to add to baked goods or even use chia gel as a substitute for half the fat in baked goods. And because it is so shelf-stable, chia requires no refrigeration for at least nine months... making it the ideal component in your survival food stores. And Solutions From Science has the absolute best chia seed available.

Solutions From Science's Aztec Black Chia honors it's Aztec heritage. Grown in the rich volcanic soil on the mountainsides in a remote Native American village and fed by mineral rich aquifers, this chia is produced by small farmers who insist on producing only the best chia around. This chia, grown at altitudes 5,600 feet and above (unlike commercially grown chia), produces seed with one of the highest levels of ALA omega 3 fatty acids and in the proper levels. This level of ALA omega 3s is what drives the endurance and stamina you feel when you make Aztec Black Chia a part of your nutritional program.

As Obamacare begins to affect more and more businesses and health care providers, as it begins to erode the quality of the health care you can receive, it's imperative that we begin to take control of our health now, and using chia can help you do just that! However, we've had a difficult time keeping these seeds in stock. We've finally received a shipment for our customers, but if you want to order, you'll need to hurry. When this supply of seed is gone, it may be a while before we get any more in.

More and more people are discovering the nutrient power of chia. Don't be fooled by other chia suppliers! Only a handful of growers produce chia the way the Aztecs did, in the mountains of the ancient Aztec empire. To get your supply of authentically grown Aztec Black Chia, click here.

Solutions From Science
815 W. Main St.
P.O. Box 518
Thomson, IL 61285
Email us at info@solutionsfromscience.com